12th Standard Supplementary Reader Textbook - Vistas. Lesson No 1: The Third Level - Jack Finney. Glossary, Summary, Questions and Answers....
12th Standard Supplementary Reader Textbook - Vistas.
Lesson No 1: The Third Level - Jack Finney.
Glossary, Summary, Questions and Answers.
Glossary -
1. Stack - a tidy pile of something, heap.
2. Waking- dream - an involuntary dream occurring while a person is awake.
3. First-day covers - It is a postage stamp on a cover or an envelope franked on the first day the issue is authorized for use within the country of the stamp issuing authority.
4. Ducked - to move your head down quickly.
5. Bumping - to hit something against.
6. Slanting - sloping in one direction.
7. Spittons - containers used for spitting.
8. Glint - shine.
9. Vest - undergarments.
10. Lapels - side of coats.
11. Sideburns - hair that grows down a man's face before his ears.
12. Leg-of-mutton sleeves - loose clothing on arms.
13. Fussing - to be worried or excited about small things.
14. Lemonade - a lemon drink.
Read and Find Out -
1. What does the third level refer to?
Ans - For Charley, who is the narrator of the lesson, the third level refers to a subway on Grand Central Station, New York, from where one can go to Galsburg. Actually, it was a sheer imagination of Charley by which he could escape from the harsh reality, fear, and insecurity of life. In reality, it never existed.
2. Would Charley ever go back to the ticket counter on the third level to buy tickets to Galesburg for himself and his wife?
Ans - No, Charley would never go back to the third level, because after exchanging current currency with old one, he tried often to reach there, but he never found it, because in reality it never existed, so there is no scope for him to go on the third level which was his sheer imagination.
Reading with Insight -
1. Do you think that the third level was a medium of escape for Charley? Why?
Ans - Yes, Indeed the third level was a medium of escape for Charley because for him the world around him was full of insecurities, fear, worry, war, and stress. Though his wife, friend, and even the president of the New York Central were telling him that there were only two levels, he was not ready to accept the reality, moreover, he was trying to justify his escape from harsh reality and says that everyone has it. Therefore his friend said," It was a waking dream wish fulfillment, because Charley was unhappy". Despite all these facts, he was saying that he had been there at the third level.
2. What do you infer from Sam's letter to Charley?
Ans - Actually, Sam's letter shows us that it was the sheer imagination of Charley because of the mystery surrounding it.
1. First-day covers were supposed to be empty envelopes, and no paper inside because the intention behind it was to just collect the newly issued stamps, but it contained a letter.
2. The cover was mailed to Charley's grandfather on July 18, 1894, and the letter was written by Sam who was his friend, meaning Charley, and Sam both were not even born in 1894, so how Sam may have written that letter in 1894, because both belong to present time.
So, the above pieces of evidence show that it was clear-cut wishful thinking of Charley and his imagination, but not the reality.
3. " The modern world is full of insecurity, fear, war, worry, and stress". What are the ways to overcome them?
Ans - Overcoming insecurity, fear, war, worry, and stress in the modern world can be challenging, but several strategies can help:
1. Self-awareness and mindfulness: Understanding your emotions and thoughts can help you manage them better. Practices like mindfulness meditation can reduce stress and increase resilience.
2. Healthy lifestyle: Regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and sufficient sleep can improve your physical and mental well-being, making you more resilient to stress.
3. Social support: Building and maintaining strong relationships with friends, family, and community can provide emotional support during difficult times.
4. Positive coping strategies: Instead of turning to unhealthy coping mechanisms like substance abuse, practice positive coping strategies such as problem-solving, seeking social support, and engaging in activities you enjoy.
5. Limit exposure to negative influences: Limit your exposure to news and media that amplify feelings of insecurity and fear. Stay informed, but be mindful of how much negative information you consume.
6. Seek professional help: If feelings of insecurity, fear, or stress become overwhelming, don't hesitate to seek help from a therapist or counselor who can provide support and guidance.
7. Engage in meaningful activities: Pursue hobbies, interests, and activities that bring you joy and fulfillment, helping to counterbalance the negative aspects of the modern world.
8. Contribute to positive change: Get involved in community or volunteer work, activism, or advocacy efforts to address the root causes of insecurity, fear, war, and stress, contributing to a more positive and compassionate world.
By incorporating these strategies into your life, you can work towards overcoming the challenges of the modern world and leading a more balanced and fulfilling life
4. Do you see an intersection of time and space in the story?
Ans - Yes, I can observe the intersection of time and space in the story because of certain shreds of evidence narrated. The central character Charley, his wife, and friend Sam are living in the present time, but there are incidents of past times such as third level Railway station, its architecture, the dressings of the people, the newspaper of 1894, also Sam's letter, so there exists an intersection of time and space.
5. Apparent illogicality sometimes turns out to be a futuristic projection? Discuss.
Ans -Certainly! What may seem illogical or even absurd in the present can sometimes be a glimpse into the future. For instance, think of concepts like flying cars or virtual reality, which were once seen as far-fetched ideas but are now becoming realities. Often, what appears illogical today could be the seed of innovation that shapes tomorrow's world.
6. Philately helps keep the past alive. Discuss other ways in which this is done. What do you think of the human tendency to constantly move between the past, present, and the future?
Ans - "As for the human tendency to navigate between the past, present, and future, it's deeply ingrained in our nature. Reflecting on the past allows us to learn from mistakes and successes while living in the present enables us to experience life fully. Simultaneously, we're drawn to envisioning and planning for the future, as it offers hope, ambition, and a sense of direction. This dynamic interplay between past, present, and future shapes our identity, aspirations, and understanding of the world."
7. You have read" Adventure" by Jayant Narlikar in the Hornbill Class XI. Compare the interweaving of fantasy and reality in the two stories.
Ans - Yes, there are some similarities between the two stories, and the common factor is wishful imagination apart from the harsh realities. In the story of,' Adventure", protagonist Prof. Gaitonde always thinks of the reverse result of the battle of Panipat the Marathas defeated Abdali, and they ruled for many years in India, because being the history scholar, he always wanted this fact, but the reality is something different.
In the story, 'The Third Level', the protagonist is an example of escaping from reality, where he could find some comforts of the beautiful past. One another common factor is that both the characters' time travels in the past, the only difference between their intentions.
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