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M.P. Board 11th Annual Exam. 2024 Solved Paper.

  M.P Board 11th 2024 Solved Paper -                                                                  Maximum Marks: 80 Time : 3 Hours Instr...

 M.P Board 11th 2024 Solved Paper -                                                                  Maximum Marks: 80

Time : 3 Hours

Instructions - 

1) Read all the questions carefully.

2) Read the instructions given with the questions before attempting them.

3) Marks allotted to each question are given against them.

Section - A

Q.1. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below:                                        10

 One night John Gutenberg worked until very late at his press. He was printing a large folio edition of the Bible in Latin. For weeks he had given all his thoughts to this great work and now he was contemplating the last sheets. He was worn out with fatigue but proud of that which he had a complete he had accomplished. He leaned his head upon the framework of his press and gave himself up to thought.

 Suddenly from among the types, two voices were heard. They were speaking in low but earnest tones and seemed to be talking about Gutenberg and his invention.

' Happy happy man!' said the first voice, which was gentle and sweet and full of encouragement. 'Let him go on with the work he has begun. Books will now be plentiful and cheap. The poorest man can buy them. Every child will learn to read. The words of the wise and the good will be printed on thousands of sheets and carried all over the world. They will be read in every household. The age of ignorance will be at an end. Men will learn to think, know, and act for themselves. They will no longer be the slaves of the king and the name of John Gutenberg inventor of printing will be remembered to the end of time.

 Then the other voice spoke. It was a stern, strong voice, although not unpleasant and it spoke in tones of warning. 'Let John Gutenberg beware of what he is doing. His invention will prove to be a curse rather than a blessing. It is true that books will be plentiful and cheap, but they will not all be good books. The words of the vulgar and the vile also be printed. They will be carried into millions of households to poison the minds of children and to make men and women doubt the truth and despise virtue. Let Guttenberg beware lest he be remembered as one who brought evil into the world rather than good.

 And so the two voices went on, one claiming that the printing press would bless all mankind,the other saying that it would surely prove to be a curse. John Gutenberg felt much distressed. He did not know what to do. He thought of the great harm that might be done through the printing of bad books- how they would corrupt the minds of the innocent. How they would stir up the passions of the week.

 Suddenly he seized a heavy hammer and began to break his press into pieces. 'It shall not be said of me that I helped to make the world worse', he cried.

 But as he was madly destroying that which had cost him so much pains to build. He heard a third voice. It seemed to come from the press itself, and it spoke in tones of sweet persuasion.

' Think still again' It said,' and do not act rashly. The best of God's gifts may be abused, and yet they are all good. The art of printing will enlighten the world. Its power for blessing mankind will be a thousand times greater than its power for doing harm. Hold your hand, John Gutenberg, and remember that you are helping to make men better and worse. The upraised hammer dropped from his hands. The sound of its striking the floor aroused him. He rubbed his eyes and looked around. He wondered if he had been dreaming.

1. John Gutenberg was -

a) a painter                         b) a printer                         c) a writer                         d) a farmer

Ans - b) a printer.

2. He was printing an edition of the Bible in -

a) German                         b) Latin                               c) Greek                            d) French

Ans - b) Latin.

3) Which voice said, " The age of ignorance will be at an end".

a) The first                         b) The second                    c) The Third                      d) The Fourth

Ans - a) The first.

4) What was the message of the second voice.

a) Printing will enlighten the world.

b) Printing will teach people to think.

a) Printing will teach people to act freely.

d) Printing will poison young minds.

Ans - d) Printing will poison young minds.

5) What was the result of Gutenberg's choice to continue printing?

a) He learned to speak in three voices.

b) The human mind was poisoned.

c) Humans became enlightened.

d) He decided not to print the book anymore.

Ans - c) Humans became enlightened.

6) Gutenberg is remembered today as a man -

a) who invented a printing machine.

b) who supported evil forces.

c) who poisoned millions of innocent children.

d) None of the above.

Ans -a) who invented a printing machine.

7) The two voices Gutenberg heard belonged to -

a) the good and evil halves of his inner self.

b) two of his friends.

c) two of his advisors.

d) None of the above.

Ans - a) the good and evil halves of his inner self.

8) Which of the voices warned Gutenberg against printing the book?

a) First voice.         b) Second voice.            c) Third voice.           d) None of the above.

Ans - b) Second voice.

9) The word upraised used in the passage is -

a) a Gerund.           b) a Participle.                c) a Conjunction.         d) a Preposition.

Ans - b) a Participle.

10. Give the noun form of the word encourage.

Ans - The noun form of the word encourage is, " Encouragement".

Q.2. Read the following passage, make notes based on comprehension of the passage, and give a suitable title to the passage.                                                                                                                  4

 Color therapy is a complementary therapy for which there is evidence dating back thousands of years to the ancient cultures of Egypt China and India. If you define it in simple terms, colour is light with varying wavelengths and energy. Thus, each colour has its own particular wavelengths and energy. Thus, colours contribute to energy. This energy may be motivational and encouraging. Each of the seven colours of the spectrum is associated with energy. The energy relating to each of the seven spectrum colours of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, Indigo, and violet resonates with the energy of each of the seven main chakras/ energy centres of the body. Colour therapy can help to rebalance and/ or stimulate these energies by applying appropriate colour to the body. Red relates to the base chakra, orange is the sacral chakra, yellow is the solar plexus chakra, green is the heart chakra, blue is the throat chakra, indigo is the brow chakra and violet relates to the crown chakra.

Colour is absorbed by the eyes, skin, skull, our ' magnetic energy field' or aura and the energy of the colour affect us on all levels, that is to say, physical, spiritual, and emotional. Every cell in the body needs light energy, thus colour energy has widespread effects on the whole body. There are many different ways of giving colour including; solarised water, lightboxes/ lamps with colour filters, colours skills, and hands-on healing using colour. Colour therapy can be shown to help on a physical level, which is perhaps easier to qualify however there are deeper issues around the colors on the psychological and spiritual levels.

 Our well-being is not, of course purely a physical issue. Fortunately, many more practitioners, both orthodox and complementary, are now treating patients holistically. Color therapy is a totally holistic and non-invasive therapy and, really, colour should be a part of our everyday life, not just something we experience for an hour or two with a therapist. Colour is all around us everywhere. This wonderful planet does not contain all the beautiful colours of the rainbow for no reason nothing on this earth is here just by chance; everything in nature is here for a purpose. Colour is no exception. All we need to do is to lighten our awareness of the energy of colour absorb it and see how it can transfer our lives.

Ans -

Notes -

1. Aspects of Colour Therapy -

a) Ancient cultures of Egypt, China, and India.

b) Each colour has a particular wavelength and energy.

c) The light spectrum has seven colours and the body has seven chakras.

d) Different colours affect different chakras.

2. Absorption of colours -

a) Reaches to different levels of the body, like physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.

b) Energies of colours can harmonize, rebalance, and heal the body.

c) Need to be aware of energy associated with the colours.

d) Colours can transform our body and spirit.

3. Suitable Title of the Passage: Holistic Body Balancing Tool - The Colour Therapy.



Q. 3 You are Ruchir/ Pallavi, Eco Club Secretary of GHSS Model Morar. Draft a notice regarding the tree plantation programme going to be held in your school in the first week of March 2024.   4

Ans -

GHSS Model Morar


Date - 23rd. March - 2024

Time - 10.30 A. M

Tree Plantation Programme

As a part of the yearly Environment Protection Activity, Our school management has decided to conduct a tree plantation drive in a nearby open space. All the students are informed that they can bring the saplings of different trees, and the tree guards will be provided by the school authority, each tree will be adopted by five students, and they will be responsible for the growth of the tree. It will be held in the first week of March. So, make it a successful drive in the mission, Green India.

Ruchir/ Pallavi

Eco-club secretary

Class - 11th ( Science Group )

Q.4 You are Saurabh/ Sunita, write a letter to your friend inviting him/her to attend your elder sister's marriage, which is going to be held in May 2024.                                                                                   4


You are Bharat / Menka, a student of CM Rise H.S.S Padma, Gwalior. Write an application to your school Principal requesting him to issue a Character Certificate.

Date - 23rd March, 2024


The Principal,

CM Rise H.S.S Padma, Gwalior.

Subject: An Application for Character Certificate.

Respected Sir/ Madam,

With due respect, I am Bharat, an 11th-class science group student, studying at your school. For doing different courses, I am supposed to submit a character certificate. I am a sincere, punctual, and obedient student of the school. Last year, I scored 87.5% marks, and not only academic performance, I actively participated in different activities like sports, debate, extracurriculars, etc. I bear good moral character.

So. Please issue me my character certificate.

Thanking You.

Yours Obediently

Bharat, 11th ( science )

Q. 5 Write an article on any one of the following topics in about 120 words.                                  4

a) Importance of Games and Sports.

b) Importance of Education in Society.

c) Indian Festivals.

d) Environmental pollution.

e) Usage of technology in Education.

Essay on the Importance of Games and Sports -


Games and sports have been a significant part of human culture and society for centuries. It is a form of physical activity that is not only enjoyable but also has numerous benefits. From childhood to adulthood, individuals engage in different types of games and sports to enhance their physical, mental, and social well-being. 

While the terms "game" and "sport" are often used interchangeably, there are distinct differences between the two. So, first, let us understand the basic difference between games and sports.

A game is typically defined as an activity that involves one or more players who follow a set of rules in order to achieve a specific objective. Examples of games include board games, card games, and video games. Games may be competitive, but they do not necessarily involve physical exertion or athleticism.

On the other hand, a sport is an activity that involves physical exertion and skill, often played competitively. Sports typically have a set of rules and may involve teams or individuals. Examples of sports include football, basketball, and tennis. While games may be played for fun or recreation, sports are typically organized and played at a competitive level, often to win a championship or trophy.

Another key difference between games and sports is the level of physicality involved. While some games may require physical dexterity or hand-eye coordination, sports often require physical strength, speed, and endurance. In addition, sports often involve a greater level of risk of injury, such as contact sports like football or rugby.

Overall, while games and sports may share some similarities, such as the need for rules and competition, they are distinct activities with different levels of physicality and athleticism involved.

Types of Games and Sports:

There are various types of games and sports, including individual and team sports. Individual sports include athletics, swimming, gymnastics, boxing, and archery, while team sports include football, cricket, basketball, rugby, and hockey. These games and sports can be played both indoors and outdoors.

Indoor Games and Sports:

Indoor games and sports include table tennis, badminton, chess, carom, and snooker. These games provide a unique experience and require specific skill sets to master. They are also a great way to spend time indoors and stay physically active. These games are played under the roof in a limited area, for example, chess, carrom, and table tennis can be played and enjoyed in a very limited space. These games have the advantage that they can be played continuously because factors like rain, and natural calamities can not interrupt the game.

Outdoor Games and Sports:

Outdoor games and sports include football, cricket, basketball, and other team sports. These games require a large field or ground to play and involve more physical activity. They help to build teamwork, coordination, and sportsmanship and are played under the sky, and these games get interrupted in case of rain or any adverse natural phenomenon, but these games have more fan following and are highly popular. In India, the game of cricket is highly popular, and at a time the game can be enjoyed by a large mass of a crowd and it may be up to 80,000 to 90,000.

Benefits of Games and Sports:

Games and sports have numerous benefits, including career opportunities, health benefits, fame, culture, satisfaction, leadership skills, and playing for the country.

Career Opportunities:

Games and sports provide numerous career opportunities, both as a professional athlete and a coach. Athletes can earn a living from their skills and participate in international tournaments, and a successful sportsperson may achieve anything in life because nowadays many games are becoming very popular and a very good amount of infrastructure and money is being invested in games either by the government authorities or a private clubs, and different franchises and inturn players are getting benefitted. So, a good sportsperson can fulfill all the dreams of life.

Health Benefits:

Games and sports help to improve physical and mental health. Regular physical activity helps to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. It also helps to improve mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Games when played always create a feel-good factor, a sense of achieving something with hard effort, sweating causes detoxification of the body, and mental and physical happiness. Many individuals adopt playing games not for professional purposes but just to remain fresh and healthy. 


Games and sports provide an opportunity for individuals to gain fame and recognition for their skills. Athletes who excel in their sport can become household names and inspire future generations. Nowadays because of huge popularity and fan following, players are treated as real heroes and recognized by government authorities and the masses.


Games and sports are an integral part of human culture and traditions. They provide a sense of identity and community and help to bring people together, and games can bring different cultures all together because sports are often played between different states, provenances, and countries, and when a player goes to play different areas, he could understand the diversity of the culture and it could become a bridge between two different areas. 


Playing games and sports provides a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. It helps individuals to set goals, work hard, and achieve success, and it creates a feeling in the player that whatever they have achieved on the ground can be gained in different sectors of life. Actually, games and sports teach a person that anything can be achieved with sincere and continuous efforts and hard work. It teaches a person to be alert and active all the time.

Leadership Skills:

Games and sports teach individuals valuable leadership skills such as teamwork, communication, and decision-making. These skills are essential in both personal and professional settings. Not only it enhances leadership qualities but other qualities such as respecting rivals, sportsmanship, brotherhood, teamwork, obedience, etc.

Playing for the Country:

Games and sports provide an opportunity for individuals to represent their country in international tournaments. It is an honor to represent one's country and brings a sense of pride and patriotism.It is the utmost dream of every player to represent his country and bring glory to the country. No other benefit of the game could replace this honour and every player dreams that at least once in his carrier he or she would lead his or her country on an international platform and they are always ready to take on diehard efforts for the same.

Priority in Academic Education:

Games and sports are an essential part of academic education. They provide a break from academic studies and help to improve physical and mental health. Schools and colleges should provide equal opportunities and resources for students to participate in games and sports. Earlier before years not much importance was given to sports and games in the educational carrier, so it was said in Hindi, "Kheloge Kudoge to Honge Kharab, aur Padoge Likhoge to Banoge Nawab" but it has been changed to, " Kheloge Kudoge to Honge Sahab" meaning if you play, your carrier will be destroyed and only you can make your carrier if you study hard and now it is said, if you play, you can become sir. Not only school authorities but parents are also supporting their children to take an active part in games besides studies.


In conclusion, games and sports play a vital role in human life. They provide numerous benefits such as career opportunities, health benefits, fame, culture, satisfaction, leadership skills, and playing for the country. Games and sports should be given equal importance to academic education, and individuals should be encouraged to participate in different types of games and sports to improve their overall well-being. It is not at all necessary for every player of any game to achieve all the glory that is achieved by a successful player, but still, a lot of happiness and joyfulness can be achieved when one becomes an active part of the game. Nowadays it has become more important to be part of any game to reduce stress and worry, and can replace unlimited happiness, and I think that is the most important aspect of any game or sport.



Q.6. Fill in the blanks. ( any five )                                                                                                       5

1. There is ------------- bird on the wall. ( a/ an/ the )

Ans - There is a bird on the wall.

2. Tom is hiding ----------- the box. ( in/ on/ into )

Ans - Tom is hiding in the box.

3. -------------- the girls had to carry their own luggage. ( Each/ All/ Every )

Ans - All the girls had to carry their own luggage.

4. He was the first to arrive ----------- he started late. ( because/ though/ despite)

Ans - He was the first to arrive though he started late.

5. He placed his book --------- the table. ( in/ on/ at)

Ans - He placed his book on the table.

6. The ---------- class was busy with the project. ( all/ whole/ some)

Ans - The whole class was busy with the project.

Q.7. Do as directed. ( Any five )                                                                                                               5

1. Mohan is very weak. He cannot lift this bag. ( Combine using so-that )

Ans - Mohan is so weak that he cannot lift this bag.

2. If he works properly, he will be promoted.

Ans - Unless he works properly, he will not be promoted.

3. This is the book that I was looking for. ( Identify the underlined clause)

Ans - That I was looking for - Noun Clause.

4. The teacher said to the students, " Submit your projects by tomorrow".

Ans - The teacher advised the students to submit their projects by the next day.

5. As soon as the thief saw the police, he ran away. ( Rewrite using ' No sooner - than.)

Ans - No sooner did the thief see the police than he ran away.

6. I always help him. ( Change into Past Perfect Tense )

Ans - I had always helped him.


( Textbook )

Q. 8 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below.                            5

In July 1976, My wife Mary, Son Jonathan, 6, and daughter Suzanne, 7, and I set sail from Plymouth, England, to duplicate the round-the-world voyage made 200 years earlier by Captain James Cook. For the longest time, Mary and I - a 37-year-old businessman - had dreamt of sailing in the wake of the famous explorer, and for the past 16 years. We had spent all our leisure time honing our seafaring skills in British waters.

Our boat wave walker, a 23 metre, 30-ton wooden-hulled beauty, had been professionally built, and we had spent months fitting it out and testing it in roughest weather we could find.

Questions -

1. What was the age of Suzanne and Jonathan?

a) 7 and 6 years old.    b) 8 and 9 years old.    c) 4 and 5 years old.    d) 7 and 9 years old.

Ans - a) 7 and 6 years old.  

2. What was the occupation of the writer?

a) A sailor.                   b) A businessman.        c) A doctor.                   d) None of the above.

Ans - b) A businessman. 

3. Where did the family set sail from?

a) England.                 b) Spain.                       c) Italy.                         d) Australia.

Ans - a) England.

4. What was the name of their boat?

a) Voyager.                  b) Wooden- beauty.      c) Wave walker.           d) None of the above.

Ans -  c) Wave walker. 

5. Which of these is not similar in meaning to the word, ' Leisure'?

a) Free time.             b) Spare time.                  c) Difficult time.         d) Idle hours.

Ans- c) Difficult time. 

Q. 9 ( A) Read the following extract from the poem and answer the questions given below.          3

This child is built to my design

Yet what he loves I cannot share

Silence surrounds us.

I would have him prodigal, returning to

His father's house, the home he knew,

Rather than see him make and move

His world. I would forgive him too,

Shaping from sorrow a new love.

Questions -

1. What kind of child had he desired to design?

a) That does not share his preferences.

b) That shared his preferences.

c) That behaves like a stranger.

d) None of the above.

Ans - b) That shared his preferences.

2. What kind of relationship do the father and son have in the poem?

a) Cordial.                        b) Strained.                            c) Warm.                          d) Good. 

Ans -  b) Strained.

3. These lines present -

a) understanding of the father.

b) helplessness of the father.

c) happiness of father.

d) friendship of father and his son.

Ans - b) helplessness of the father.

( B) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below.                           4

It wasn't morning yet, but it was summer, and with daybreak not many minutes around the corner of the world it was light enough for me to know I wasn't dreaming. My cousin Mourad was sitting on a beautiful white horse. I stuck my head out of the window and rubbed my eyes. Yes, he said in Armenian. It's a horse. You're not dreaming. Make it quick if you want to ride.

Questions -

1. The above extract has been taken from -

a) The address.

b) Birth.

c) Mother's Day.

d) The summer of the beautiful white horse.

Ans - d) The summer of the beautiful white horse.

2. Which part of the day does Mourad visit the speaker?

a) Evening.                   b) Noon.                            c) Night.                             d) Daybreak.

Ans - d) Daybreak.

3. Give a word from the passage for the time in the morning when daylight first appears -

Ans - Daybreak.

4. In which language did Mourad speak?

a) German.                  b) Spanish.                          c) Armenian.                     d) Arabian.

Ans - c) Armenian.

Q. 10 Answer the following questions in about 30 words. ( Any 5 )                                                   10

1. How did the sparrows express their sorrow when the grandmother died?

2. How did the children console their fear-stricken parents?

3. What were the results of the CT Scan of King Tut's mummy?

4. What are the earth's principal biological systems?

5. Why was the author disappointed with Darchen?

6. What was the author's purpose for his journey to Mount Kailash?

7. Why was King Tut's body buried along with glided treasures?

Q. 11 Answer the following questions in about 30 words. ( Any 3 )                                                    6

1. What does the word ' cardboard ' denote in the poem?

2. What will happen if it doesn't rain?

3. What does the father intend to do to understand his son?

4. How is the tree transformed during the bird's visit?

Q. 12 Answer the following questions in about 30 words. ( Any 2 )                                                     4

1. What were the hallmarks of the Garoghlanian Tribe?

2. What hardships did the girl undergo during pre and post-war times?

3. How did Andrew save Susan Morgan?

4. What reason did Mrs. Pearson give Cyril for not making tea?

Q. 13 Answer the following questions in about 75 words. ( Any 2 )                                                    6

1. What steps did the captain take to protect the ship when the weather began rough?

2. Why did the boy change his name from Tutankhaten to Tutan Khamum?

3. Why is the man considered as the most dangerous animal?

Q. 14 Answer the following questions in about 75 words. ( Any 1 )                                                     3

1. What is the central theme of the poem' The Laburnum Top'?

2. What are the three phrases described in the poem' A Photograph'?

Q. 11 Answer the following questions in about 75 words. ( Any 1 )                                                     3

1. What are the different issues the playwright has raised in the play' The Mother's Day'?

2. How according to you, can peace and liberty be maintained in a state?

For a quick glance at the content, please visit my YouTube channel, " English Prose and Verse ". and for the answers to the above questions, you can visit my blog website,


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