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The Necklace - Guy De Maupassant.

  Footprints Without Feet - Supplementary Reader in English for Class 10Th. Lesson No. 7 - The Necklace - Guy De Maupassant. Glossary, Summa...

 Footprints Without Feet - Supplementary Reader in English for Class 10Th.

Lesson No. 7 - The Necklace - Guy De Maupassant.

Glossary, Summary, Questions, Answers.

Glossary -

1. Petty - normal.

2. Incessantly - continuously.

3. Delicacies - softness.

4. Shabby - very poor, bad, ugly.

5. Tureen - a bowl cover.

6. Potpie - a dish.

7. Exquisite - extremely beautiful.

8. Spitefully - unpleasant.

9. Stupified - confused.

10. Dismay - sad.

11. Vexation - annoyance.

12. Grived - to become sad.

13. Larks - a small bird.

14. Nevertheless - still, despite that.

15. Chic - stylish.

16. Satin - silk.

17. Ecstatic - extreme happiness.

18. Wearily -

19. Cloak - a type of loose coat.

20. Bewilderment - confused state of mind.

21. Clasp - a metal hook.

22. Chaplet - circlet.

23. Ruinous - causing serious problems, especially regarding money.

24. Usurers - a person who lends money at an unreasonably high rate of interest.

25. Attic - a small store room.

26. Odious - unpleasant.

27. Haggling - to argue.

28. Sou - a former French coin of low value.

29. Skirts awry - a twisted piece of clothes.

30. Personage - an important person.

31. Astonishment - a very great surprise.

Summary -


1. What kind of a person is Mme. Loisel? Why is she always unhappy?

Ans - Mme. Loisel is a very ambitious lady, and she is always unhappy because she was born and married into a poor family, she always wants to lead her life lavishly and luxuriously, but can not afford to do so.

2. What kind of person is her husband?

Ans - Mr. Loisel is a very good and contented person, works as a clerk in the Ministry of Public Instruction, and he always tries to make her happy with whatever he has, but she never satisfies


1. What fresh problems now disturb Mme Loisel?

Ans - The new problem that disturbs Mme. Loisel that she has no suitable jewelry to adorn herself for the ball dance party.

2. How is the problem solved?

Ans - The problem is solved by borrowing a diamond necklace from her friend Mme. Frostier, as suggested by her husband.


1. What do M. and Mme Loisel do next?

Ans - Unfortunately they lost the necklace at the ball dance party, then they searched on the street, tried to find the carriage where they came home, reported to the police, and even put an advertisement in the newspaper, but all the efforts were in vain. Finally, they decided to replace the diamond necklace and return it to Mme. Frostier.

2. How do they replace the necklace?

Ans - For buying a new diamond necklace, they needed 36,000 franks. Mr. Loisel possessed 18,000 francs, which his father had left him. He borrowed the rest, made ruinous promises, took money from usurers and the whole race of lenders, and finally bought the new diamond necklace which was exactly the same as the lost one.

Think about it -

1. The course of Loisel's life changed due to the necklace. Comment.

Ans - To pay the frightful debt. of 16,000 francs, Loisel's course of life changed heroically. They sent away the maid, changed their lodgings, and rented rooms in an attic, Loisel washed the dishes, the soiled linen, their clothes, and dishcloths, brought up the water, clothed like a woman of the people. She went to the grocer's, the butcher's, and the furniture with her basket on her arm, shopping, haggling to the last sou of her miserable money. Her husband had to work very late at night to pay off the debt. It took them hard and rough 10 years to repay their debt, and in those 10 miserable years of hardships, she completely lost her elegance, delicacy, and beauty and became a strong, hard, and crude woman of a poor household.

2. What was the cause of Matilda's ruin? How could she have avoided it?

Ans - The main cause behind Matilda's ruin was extraordinary ambition without looking at the reality, she was never contented with what she had, and the second cause was not to share the reality of the lost necklace with her close friend Mme. Frostier, she could have avoided all the bad consequences of those 10 years, if she had told the reality, Mme. Frostier would have easily forgiven her because the so-called necklace cost only 500 francs.

3. What would have happened to Matilda if she had confessed to her friend that she had lost her necklace?

Ans - If Matilda had confessed to her friend that she had lost her necklace, then certainly Mme. Frostier would have excused her because the diamond necklace was artificial and cost only 500 francs. Actually, Matilda made a great mistake, otherwise she could have saved her 10 miserable years.

4. If you were caught in a situation like this, how would you have dealt with it?

Ans - If I were caught in a situation like this, I would have dealt in a straightforward way I would have apologized to Mme. Frostier for losing the necklace, and in case it was a real diamond necklace, then I would have requested that I repay the cost of the necklace in suitable installments. Still, before borrowing and buying a new one, I would have definitely talked to Mme. Frostier, because she was my close friend, and one should share everything with a close friend.

Talk about it -

1. The characters in this story speak in English. Do you think is their language? What clues are there in the story about the language its characters must speak?

Ans - Though the characters speak in English in the story, their language is not English but French, and many clues in the story suggest to us like the name of the writer, Maupassant is French, names of the currencies mentioned like Franc, Sou, name of the characters like M.Loisel, Mme. Loisel, Mme. Frostier, the availability of old carriages in Paris after nightfall, and names of the places like the Champs-Elysees, so these facts show that the plot of the story is of France and the characters are speaking the French language.

2. Honesty is the best policy.

Ans -In a world clouded by deceit, honesty emerges as the beacon of integrity. Embracing honesty not only fosters trust but also cultivates genuine connections. When we embody transparency in our actions and words, we pave the way for authenticity and respect. Honesty liberates us from the burden of falsehoods, fostering clarity and harmony in our interactions. It is the cornerstone of virtuous living, guiding us towards ethical decision-making and noble conduct. Indeed, in the tapestry of human virtues, honesty shines brightest, illuminating the path to righteousness and enduring fulfillment.

3. We should be content with what life gives us.

Ans -"We Should be Content with What Life Gives Us"

Amidst the pursuit of endless desires, lies the timeless wisdom of contentment. Embracing gratitude for life's offerings fosters inner peace and fulfillment. When we ceaselessly yearn for more, we overlook the beauty and abundance present in the present moment. Contentment invites us to savor life's simple joys and cherish the blessings that surround us. By relinquishing the grip of insatiable desires, we unlock the gateway to true happiness and serenity. In the tapestry of existence, contentment weaves the threads of fulfillment, guiding us toward a life rich in appreciation and satisfaction.

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